Autonomous supports tax exemption claims for orders that have a tax exemption certificate in the US. All the customers are required to pay tax or VAT in advance. Please note that Orders from a business account are free of tax or VAT and we only accept one tax-exempt account for one EIN (Employer Identification Number)/ VAT number.

  1. Complete the Tax-Exempt or VAT Application by following the prompted questions and uploading documents.
  2. Open Track Your Order page, or "Your orders" on the Autonomous home page following this article.
  3. Click on the "Request sales tax exemption" button.

  1. You must provide valid tax-exempt or VAT document(s) for each state where exempt goods are shipped and hit "Submit".
  2.  Once your application has been submitted, your documents will be reviewed and a determination made whether your application for exemption is approved. Please note it may take up to 5 business days for your status to be approved or denied. If approved, you will get a tax or VAT refund to your original method and be eligible to make tax-exempt for the next purchases immediately
  3. If you need a new invoice with your company information and the tax refund, please repeat steps 1 & 2 above or Contact us for assistance.